Acupuncture Services and Chinese Medicine
Welcome to a place where healing and wellness have been celebrated since ancient times. A place where the pain and suffering you’ve been experiencing recedes like a tide, while a wave of calm and comfort washes over you. At 7 Stones Acupuncture & Wellness, we use techniques inspired by ancient Japanese and Chinese medicine.
The Healing Power of Acupuncture
Our primary practice uses Kototama Inochi Life Medicine, an ancient form of Japanese Acupuncture derived from ancient Shinto Traditions. This, combined with a few best practices from Sports Medicine (Orthopedic) Acupuncture, sets the stage for what we treat, which are many ailments from anxiety to women’s health.
As a 7 Stones Acupuncture & Wellness patient, you’re taking the first step in a journey towards a better state of well-being. We focus on proactively strengthening your body naturally so it can do what it’s designed to do: heal itself. We also help you chase after symptoms to alleviate your immediate pain.
I also teach people different exercises and stretches to help expedite the healing process, so you can better take care of yourself once you leave my clinic.
Acupuncture Services Tailored to Fit You
Given Scott’s extensive experience with Eastern Medicinal practices, your needs are addressed individually, rather than fitted into one style of treatment. Since no two patients are the same, Scott has many tools of the trade at his disposal.
While Western Medicine offers many things, the 7 Stones Acupuncture & Wellness approach offers less invasive alternatives you benefit from without the side effects that often accompany the drugs of Western Medicine. We’ll happily help you realize and reach a better state of health and well-being, mentally and physically.
Because you deserve better health, peace, and comfort:
Call 262-622-3602 or email us to schedule your appointment.